Recent Innovations in Lubrication
Spray Dispensers
Spray systems use pressurized containers to force fluid to a dispensing point. They have been a staple of industry for decades. Oil-Rite created a product that can run uniterrupted by automatically refilling from an external fluid source.
Aluminum Gages Anodized
The aluminum liquid level gage is a durable and cost effective instrument for monitoring the liquid contents of reservoirs. These black and red anodized versions are engraved with high and low level marks. An aluminum ball inside the glass sight floats on top the liquid and provides an additional visual cue for clear fluids and/or poorly lit areas. These gages are an example of how Oil-Rite equipment can be adapted to specific applications and customer requests. View a detailed product description of each gage here and here.
Wash Down Oiler
Washdown is a daily occurrence in many food processing and packaging environments. The cleaning agents can corrode metal parts within only a few days. The Washdown Oiler is designed for these harsh conditions.